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In 2024, Don't Make Resolutions - Make Habits

Each New Year is filled with cheerful optimism as we resolve to make changes that will impact us in the coming year(s). According to Forbes, the top five New Year's resolutions include improving fitness, finances, and mental health, loosing weight and improving diet.  The majority of those resolutions, if kept, will have a positive impact on one's overall health. Unfortunately, the same report indicates that many abandon their resolutions after 2 to 3 months.  Dr. Nancy Rotroff and Dr. Gerard Wasselle at Excellence in Dentistry in Fort Lauderdale want to encourage you to stick to your resolutions and form new healthy habits in 2024.

What Healthy Habits Will Improve My Oral Health?

Your dentist suggests several oral healthcare habits to improve and maintain healthy gums and teeth.  Creating these healthy habits will result in both a beautiful smile and avoiding costly dental restorations in the future:

  1. Brush for two minutes two times daily. Most of us brush our teeth but many do not brush them properly or for long enough.  The goal of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque.  A quick swipe with the toothbrush will most likely leave a good bit of plaque behind. Additionally, if you are not brushing your teeth properly you can miss areas and allow plaque to buildup. When plaque is left on teeth, it hardens into tartar which can only be removed by your dental hygienist.  Your dentist on Commercial Blvd. recommends using a timer or purchasing an electric toothbrush with a timer to ensure you are brushing for two minutes.
  2. Floss your teeth daily. Just as with brushing, it is important to floss your teeth regularly and with the proper technique. Flossing removes food debris and plaque between teeth where your toothbrush can not reach. Leaving food debris and plaque between teeth allows bacteria to flourish leading to irritated gums (and possibly gum disease), cavities between teeth and bad breath. 
  3. Visit your Fort Lauderdale dentist regularly.  We all have busy schedules and are often tempted to push our dental checkup appointment until "later". Visiting your dental hygienist and dentist on Commercial Blvd.  every six months for an examination and professional dental cleaning will ensure your teeth stay healthy.  At your dental checkup, your dentist will use xrays and an oral examination to detect any problems that may be developing.  Catching any issues early will save you both time and money possibly avoiding expensive dental restorations or tooth loss.
  4. Keep hydrated.  Staying hydrated has numerous health benefits including improving your oral hygiene.  Water can wash away food debri and wash away plaque causing bacteria.  When your mouth is dry, bacteria can flourish producing plaque and resulting in bad breath.


Is It Important To Replace Missing Teeth?

Part of prioritizing your oral health in 2024 is replacing missing teeth. There are many reasons to replace missing teeth:

When you are ready to replace your missing teeth and restore you smile, schedule a dental implant consultation by calling 954-928-1666Dental implants are the most natural looking, natural feeling, long lasting tooth replacement option.  Learn how all on 4 dental implants are a vast improvement over the tradition dentures that slip and cause sore spots.   Dental implants for seniors can be life changing restoring your ability to chew, speak clearly, and your self-confidence in social settings.  Dr. Rotroff and Dr. Wasselle have a great number of very satisfied patients who have selected dental implants to restore their smiles. See what patients of Excellence in Dentistry in Fort Lauderdale are saying. 

Another way to improve your oral health in 2024 is getting invisible dental aligners to straighten crooked teeth. 

Are Straight Teeth Healthier?

Another way to improve your oral health in 2024 is invisible dental aligners, sometimes called clear braces. Crooked, or misaligned teeth, are more difficult to clean with more places for bacteria to hide and plaque to buildup.  This buildup of plaque can lead to gum inflammation and cavities. Crooked teeth can also result in excessive wear on misaligned teeth.  Fortunately, with new technologies you can straighten your teeth discreetly with clear aligners. Call Excellence in Dentistry at 954-928-1666 to schedule a consultation to discuss how clear braces can give you the smile you have always wanted.


Make 2024 your best year by keeping your healthy habits and visiting your dentist in Fort Lauderdale.









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